

What Is Hcg And How Does It Promote Weight Loss?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or hCG, is a natural water-based protein hormone that develops in the body of a woman shortly after conception. Often called the pregnancy hormone, hCG levels in urine and blood can be tested and are used to confirm pregnancy. The purpose of the hCG hormone during pregnancy is to encourage the production of progesterone, which aids in thickening the lining of the uterus to give the fetus a safe place to grow. The development of the hCG hormone during pregnancy also helps to prevent the body from rejecting the new tissue. hCG also ensures that the developing fetus has all of the nutrients it needs to survive and grow by encouraging the body to release excess stores in fat cells.

The function hCG has on the human body in encouraging the release of excess fat storage has been a remarkable breakthrough in weight loss for the seriously overweight. It literally seems to work like a laser, pinpointing and dissolving fat storage so that the cells shrink to normal size, without any side effects common with other weight loss treatments like increased heart rates or nervousness. Several studies have shown that hCG, when injected into male or female patients, encourages the body to preserve lean muscle but burn fat. When combined with a reduced calorie diet and stretching exercises, weight loss might exceed up to a pound a day, and because of the way the hormone works, patients do not experience hunger or loss of energy while on the treatment.

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